A place where you belong
A church that believes in
A church that loves God
and People
Overwhelmed by the gift of salvation we have found in Jesus, we have a heart for authentic worship, are passionate about the local church, and are on mission to see God’s kingdom established across the earth.
You are always welcome here!
Welcome to the EBN Church
Developing fully devoted followers of Jesus Christ
We offer numerous worship opportunities throughout the week, including daily and Sunday Masses, Rosary, Eucharistic Adoration, and the Sacrament of Reconciliation.
Faith Formation is a lifelong process of building our relationship with God. We have a vibrant Faith Formation program with opportunities for children, teens & adults.
We believe stewardship is a way of life, and offer numerous ways for parishioners to serve our parish family. Learn more about our active social minstry programs and other service opportunities.
Join us!
Join us!
Join us for Fellowship events, such as coffee & donuts, pancake breakfasts and our annual fundraiser. Take a look at our calendar to see all our upcoming events.
Empowered by God to reach others for Christ
Our EBN Church community makes us unique. They have an energy that reverberates around them. Their mission in life is to ensure the wonder in the world is not overlooked.

Join us this Sunday
08:30AM in person + Online. We’d love to see you!
We are people just like you
EBN Church TV is delighted to bring you live coverage of each Sunday's worship on our Youtube and Facebook channels, so that everyone can attend the celebration from the comfort of their own homes.
You're invited to join us on Zoom every Wednesday from 9 to 10 pm for intersection prayers. And every Friday, also from 9pm to 10pm, for learning about spiritual life. Whether you are Christian or not, everyone is welcome.
We organize regular donations to the less fortunate here in the United States and in Africa. So please donate whatever you can - clothes, money, food - to support those who need it most. Thank you for your support.
Listen on-the-go to our latest podcasts produced from every Sunday mornings and bonus content from other events on Zoom. Listen here or subscribe in your favorite app such as Apple Podcasts or Spotify.
Our Values
Beliefs that unite us
Jesus is who we love
The purpose of EBN Church is to share hope and the love of Jesus to all. Jesus is who we love because he first loved us. Everything that we do is for Jesus.
Joy is our decision
Until you experience the transforming power of God’s grace in your life, you’re too enslaved by your own hurts, habits, and hang-ups to think much about others.
People is who we serve
Many people have the misconception that being “called” by God is something only missionaries, pastors, nuns, and other church leaders experience.
Generosity is our privilege
The number one reason we don’t have the time or energy to serve others is that we’re preoccupied with our own agendas, dreams, and pleasures.
Honor is our expression
We are not saved by serving, but we are saved for serving. You were called to be free.” You cannot serve God until you’ve been set free by Jesus.
We are there, even in times of crisis
The motive for serving is loveServe one another in love.” This is an important key to building community.
Jesus is who we love
The purpose of NLF is to share hope and the love of Jesus to all. Jesus is who we love because he first loved us. Everything that we do is for Jesus.
Joy is our decision
The purpose of NLF is to share hope and the love of Jesus to all. Jesus is who we love because he first loved us. Everything that we do is for Jesus.
Honor is our expression
The purpose of NLF is to share hope and the love of Jesus to all. Jesus is who we love because he first loved us. Everything that we do is for Jesus.
People is who we serve
The purpose of NLF is to share hope and the love of Jesus to all. Jesus is who we love because he first loved us. Everything that we do is for Jesus.
Generosity is our privilege
The purpose of NLF is to share hope and the love of Jesus to all. Jesus is who we love because he first loved us. Everything that we do is for Jesus.
We are there, even in times of crisis
The purpose of NLF is to share hope and the love of Jesus to all. Jesus is who we love because he first loved us. Everything that we do is for Jesus.
Powerful & life-changing
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EBN Church Ministries, Donations Service Launch
The purpose of EBN Church is to share hope and the love of Jesus to all. Jesus is who we love because he first loved us.
Give Today
Every time you give to EBN Church, you’re helping fulfill the mission to reach people for Christ.
Meet Our Leadership
Centered on the word of God
Our Locations
We would love to see you!

Bronx, New York
975 Ogden Ave Bronx
New York, 10453
service times:
Sundays 8:30 am
Wednesdays 9pm
Fridays 9pm
Connect With Us
Check out what we’ve been up to within the church and our community on our Instagram page.
Join Us for Worship
- SUNDAY - 8:30 am to 11:00 am
- WEDNESDAY - 9-10 pm by Zoom
- FRIDAY - 9- 10pm by Zoom